posts published in 05/01/2010 - 06/01/2010


Search for drugs Erowid is an online library containing thousands of pages of information about psychoae  drugs , plants, and chemicals, including entheogens , psychedelics , stimulants, depressants and pharmaceuticals . Includes tr…

keep me out : fight internet addiction

keep me out is a nice way to keep yourself away from your favourite website addictionby giving you warning for multiple visits for certain site like facebook

Out of it !

thousands of young people are rejecting harder drugs like heroin and crack. Instead under 25s are more likely to use so-called 'party drugs' like cocaine , cannabis and ecstasy . The drugs are often taken on nights out along with large…

Strange New Ways To Combat Your Internet Addiction!

By: Recovering Internet Addict I am addicted to the Internet. I am a busy working parent and still I find the time to check my e-mail, chat with my friends in Yahoo Instant Messenger, read news, forums and on and on.